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In focus: Preservation of monuments, sustainable urban development, knowledge exchange

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Conservation/restoration of the wall paintings in the castle chapel Strössendorf: DSD funding helps

Rundes Logo mit dem Stadtumriss auf dem dunkelblauen Hintergrund, Inschrift: gefördert durch die (oberhalb des Kreises) Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz (unterhalb des Kreises)

Zwei Abbildungen der Wandoberfläche sind zusammengestellt, man sieht die Struktur der Farbe, die Pinselstriche und den Riss, der sich quer über das Bild der Hand zieht.

The ISKD_UHAMC project, dedicated to the restoration and conservation of the valuable wall paintings in the chapel since 2022, has entered a new phase of funding. Thanks to generous support for the wall painting component and the commitment of the German Foundation for Monument Protection (DSD - Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz), significant progress can now be made towards the restoration of this historically significant site without interruptions.


Restoration of a castle chapel Strössendorf - Conservation of wall paintings

Nahaufnahme des hölzernen Dachtragwerk der Schloßkapelle

Repair of the roof structure

The gGmbH was founded in July 2021. The first months were characterized by questions during the startup phase and coordination with cooperative and professional partners.

With the help of a specific donation, in 2022, the conservation and restoration of a chapel in a castle, which is completely equipped with wall paintings, was initiated. In cooperation with the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation (German: Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, BLfD), the Coburg University of Applied Sciences (German: Hochschule Coburg), renowned conservators and students, a series of preliminary investigations were carried out to develop a concept. In the field of equipment, a graduate of the Conservation and Restoration program, specializing in wood, undertook a thorough investigation of the wooden antependium.

