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Dr. Eberhardt Wendler, Portrait in schwarz-weiss

Dr. Eberhardt Wendler


Dipl.-Chemist, Laboratory for Conservation Issues in the Preservation of Monuments, Munich

Head of the Stone Conservation Group at the International Association of the Scientific-Technical Working Group for the Conservation of Buildings and Monuments (WTA e.V.)

Since 1992: Research and development in private laboratory.

Since 1994: Supervisor (second examiner) of many Diploma and master’s theses at the universities of applied sciences in Potsdam, Hildesheim and Cologne (department of restoration), FH Koblenz (department of materials science), Kunsthochschule Wien, Kunsthochschule Dresden, TU Munich, University of Göttingen.

International advanced training seminars, including Kartause Mauerbach/Vienna, Hochschule d. Picture. Bern Arts, SUPSI Lugano, South Tyrol Bozen Restorers Association, Fondazione Villa Fabris Thiene/Vicenza, PSPP Summer School Pompeii, TNNUA Taiwan, Istituto Veneto per i Beni Culturali, Laboratorio di Restauro Venice; 

Since 2005: Deputy Head of WTA Section 3 (Natural Stone).

Since 2005: Founding Member of FIDA (Research in Monument Preservation and Archaeometry e.V.).

Since 2016: Head of WTA Section 3 (Natural Stone).

Since 2009: Member of ICOMOS, more than 150 publications on the topic of stone conservation and related areas (damage processes, indoor climate).

Co-author of the WTA leaflets Desalination of masonry,sacrificial plaster, artificial stone, drilling resistance measurement, preservation of historicbrickwork, working group leader of the WTA data sheets hydrophobic treatment of natural stone and non-destructive in-situ testing of water absorption.